Are you an EDIH? Yes.
City: Sisak, Croatia.
In 2016. Development agency SIMORA and SMC started initiative – Sisak Moslavina County - Center of gaming industry. The main aim was transformation from old fashion industry region to modern high tech region dealing primarily with gaming industry. The initiative is based on 6 steps leading toward to the achievement of the fundamental goal: 1. FREE ENGLISH LANGUAGE IN KINDERGARTENS; 2. -WORKSHOPS - video game development workshops in all elementary and secondary schools in SMC; 3. START-UP – launching start-ups through newly formed Business Incubator PISMO/DIH PISMO; 4. INTRODUCTION OF GAMING INTO THE REGULAR SECONDARY SCHOOL SYSTEM - new fouryear program in vocational schools - „Video game developer“; 5. FINANCIAL SUPPORT -for start-ups in the field of video game development; 6. BUILDING GAMING CAMPUS – including Faculty, Student dormitory, Entrepreneurship incubator for eSport / Accelerator of the gaming industry with 4000 places (The project of Gaming Campus is on the list of strategic projects of the Republic of Croatia).
One of the steps was building of Business incubator PISMO. PISMO is located in town Novska (Sisak Moslavina County), established in 2016 and has status of Business Incubator and Digital Innovation Hub. It is focused on GAMING INDUSTRY, AI, BLOCKCHAIN. Currently 46 start-ups are operating in PISMO.
PISMO Capacities:
1213 m2 of space (20 offices, coworking area, conference rooms, multimedia area)
Equipment: computers, music and video studio, VR equipment (simulators), motion capture studio, photogrammetry studio, 3D printer
Maing goal is a smart skills build-up – enhancement of existing and creation of new labour force for smart specialization. Among other, PISMO organises 6-month free training in gaming (2 groups of aprox. 20 people – graphics (Blender) and programming (Unity)), currently the 5th group is attending – TOTAL 160 attendees have passed through educations and have received Croatian minimum wage and travel expenses during educations.
Our services are: Rent of conference/education spaces, Education and training, Mentorship, Certification, Marketing, Event organization and visits, Design and prototyping activities, Rent of equipment, Rent of music and video studio, Rent of coworking spaces with VR equipment, Support to scaling up of businesse.
Our contacts are:
Web: http://inkubator-pismo.eu/en/
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/inkubatorpismo/
Twitter: @InkubatorPismo
Instagram: @pismoinkubator
YouTube: https://www.youtube.com/c/InkubatorPISMOEdukacije/videos
Test before invest services - Maturity assessment; Technical support on scale-up (solution engineering, tech specification and expert evaluation); Blockchain technology test bed infrastructure - setting up/joining blockchain infrastructure; Demonstration of use of novel algorithms to generate new graphical assets in game development industry; Model/control AI system for variative control of industrial machines; Demonstration of crowdsourcing data collection for AI through gamification of physical models; Set up of freely available real-time kinematic positioning service at IoP; Digital twin of various services on AI demonstration equipment in PISMO incubator. Trainings services - trainings linked to AI, gaming, blockchain and IoT: : Digital economy trainings, Entrepreneurship training based on innovative digital technologies – training laboratory and boot camps, Development and prototyping of innovative digital services, IoT in business training, Big Data training, How to use AI accelerators in IoT devices training for SMEs and public sector, Gamification upskilling, Introduction to Blockchain, Blockchain readiness & maturity assessment + show/use case presenting, Blockchain for Climate and Green solution, Boot camps, Microsoft Training and skills Platform. Trainings are adjusted to the needs of SMEs and unemployed people analyzed through previous year and aimed at raising their digital skills and giving them knowledge and skills to upgrade their business processes. Ecosystem and networking services - Organization of networking meetings with relevant stakeholders at national and EU level, Work visits, Trend watching. These services are going to stimulate new partnerships and cooperation’s. Access to finance - Trainings (How to scale up a business), Consultations, Pitch trainings and events, Crowdfunding campaigns.
.Let’s meet each other
Andreja Seperac