Are you an EDIH? Yes.
City: Portugal.
CONNECT5 – DIH for Connectivity, CPS, IoT, Cloud/Edge and Data Analytics aims to create and operate a national and European reference DIH supporting the digital and green transformation of SMEs and public organizations. CONNECT5 is a collaborative network, in the form of a Consortium of 12 entities (RTO, polytechnic institutes, universities), with high level of expertise in digital technologies, state-of-the-art infrastructures and a deep nation-wide network of contacts (companies, business associations, public entities, etc.) bringing together their complementary expertise and assets, to create a unique value platform.
CONNECT5’s will leverage on its capabilities based on Cyber-Physical Systems (CPS), Internet of Things (IoT), Communications networks (5G and 6G), infrastructures (Cloud and Edge Computing), Big Data platforms and analytical data processing, supported by Artificial Intelligence (AI), Cybersecurity and High-performance computing (HPC) when required, enabling the target entities to evaluate its impacts and the feasibility to their business before further investing in it.
.The services provided by CONNECT5 will be based on 4 main domains:
Test before invest:
-Digital Technologies/solutions Showcase Events,
-Testing and experimenting with new digital technologies
-Digital Innovation Facilitation
-Solution PoC Design & Trial
Skills and training;
- CONNECT5 Academy
- Custom-made training
Support to find investment;
- Scouting, Individual Matching and Support,
- Innovation Project Proposal (set-up)
Innovation ecosystem and networking
- CONNECT5 Open Day events
- Matchmaking and Innovation Facilitation
Let’s meet each other
Luis Miguel Da Silva
Diana Marques