FEM-HUB (Łukasiewicz – IMiF)
Are you an EDIH? Yes.
City: Warszawa / Poland.
FEM-HUB is a joint venture of a consortium consisting of Łukasiewicz Research Network Institutes - IMIF and ITR, having complementary factual competences and experience in technology implementation, the Employers' Association - Polish Photonics Technology Platform, having experience in cooperation and building relations with enterprises and National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications dealing with building awareness about new technologies, lobbying, training and consulting in introducing innovations.
.Creating awareness of available solutions among entrepreneurs;
Providing access to FEM-HUB's expert knowledge by analyzing the possibilities for change and innovation based on the latest technologies;
Supporting the entrepreneur in implementing the new technology;
Building competences related to new technologies on the entrepreneur's side.
Let’s meet each other
Tomasz Bieniek
Grzegorz Janczyk