FEM-HUB (Łukasiewicz – IMiF)

Are you an EDIH? Yes.
City: Warszawa, Poland.
FEM-HUB is/was* a joint venture of a consortium consisting of Łukasiewicz Research Network Institutes - IMIF and ITR, having complementary factual competences and experience in technology implementation, the Employers' Association - Polish Photonics Technology Platform, having experience in cooperation and building relations with enterprises and National Chamber of Commerce for Electronics and Telecommunications dealing with building awareness about new technologies, lobbying, training and consulting in introducing innovations.
* now, from 1st Jan 2023 we started our activity as a part of European EDIH - Mazowia EDIH as a concorcium of some more partners.
We defined two main groups of services, we will provide for our customers:
• Skills development services
• Test-Before-Invest Services
The firs one “Skills development services” will focus on:
• open-access webinars
• seminars
• workshops
• publications
in the scope of digital technologies.
The second group “Test-Before-Invest Services”
• Digitalization pathways for a specific company
• Testing and feasibility assessment
• Technology demonstration
• Technology deployment
Let’s meet each other
Tomasz Bieniek
Grzegorz Janczyk