DIHs Community Meeting

DIHs Community Meeting


Are you an EDIH? Yes.

City: Luxembourg.


We help by addressing the digital transformation of the Luxembourg industry with networking, innovation skills and trainings, "test before invest" services and support to find investment at local and European levels.

We have unique competences in High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence.


Sectoral coverage: Manufacturing sector and supply chain.
Technological focus: High Performance Computing, Cybersecurity and Artificial Intelligence..
Customer types: companies with production site in Luxemburg, SMEs and big companies, interested to learn about the benefits of digital transformation and willing to be supported with our services. .
Service Offering:

Services list:
Skills&Training - 1-2-M Awareness sessions on digital training offering
Skills&Training - 1-2-1 Internal Digital Skills Maturity Assement
Skills&Training - 1-2-1 Guidance for specific training program
Skills&Training - 1-2-F workshop to design base content of new trainings
Test before invest - 1-2-M Awareness session on techonologies
Test before invest - 1-2-1 Workshop tailored testing of specific technologies
Test before invest - 1-2-F Workshop generic testing of techonologies
Ecosystem - Light Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment
Ecosystem - Full Cybersecurity Maturity Assessment
Ecosystem - Light Digital Maturity Assessment
Ecosystem - Full Digital Maturity Assessment
Ecosystem - 1-2-M Webinar sessions
Ecosystem - 1-2-F Industry 4.0 event
Ecosystem - Digital Roadmap Support
Ecosystem - Matchmaking activities (local, GR, Europe)
Ecosystem - Access to EDIH Repository (provider, trainings, Test-b-invest)
Funding support - 1-2-M Awareness session in relation to national & EU funding opportunities
Funding support - 1-2-M Awareness session in relation to private funding support opportunities

In terms of cooperation with other Hubs, we look for:
OTHER RELEVANT ASPECTS: other ongoing collaborations linked to digital topics
YOUR NEED IN ONE SENTENCE: best practices to reach SMEs and engage with them, strategies to get in touch with SMEs, commercial approach to engage with SMEs and convince them to
NAMES OF THE HUBS YOU WOULD LIKE TO MEET: best practices to reach SMEs and engage with them, strategies to get in touch with SMEs, commercial approach to engage with SMEs and convince them to

Let’s meet each other

Delegate 1:

Ramona Caulea

Delegate 2: