DIH Academy
DIH-World will support the DIHs with training and mentoring and will provide them access to a wide range of good practices. In addition, the Academy will provide tailored support to the participating DIHs and the DIHs selected for the experiments.
The objectives of the DIH-World Academy are to:

Develop and support DIHs to help them to define a sustainable business model.

Support DIH collaboration, including cross-border cooperation, and help them to develop or fine-tune their value propositions, as was done in e.g. the DIHELP project.

DIHs network building – good practices

Payment and pricing models

Shaping the offer and How to build an action plan and pitch DIH value propositions

Introduction to Sustainability-driven Innovation Management (People, Planet, Profit)

Analysing customer needs and creating a vision

DIH network building – best practices (in line with the training on networks creation)

Financial plan and Governance

Ecosystem mapping and analysis

Network creation and leveraging stakeholder relationships

DIH-options and synergies with DIH4AI project

Introduction to the Digital Innovation Quotient

DIHs network building – good practices

DIHs serving the public sector: support services to foster the uptake of new technologies

To strengthen DIH networking and support DIH collaboration. DIHs will benefit from ‘Train-the-Trainer’ workshops and connect with potential partners

The DIHs will present their services to their regional ecosystem and engage everyone in working/supporting the DIH activities.

To provide expert advice to DIHs on how to develop their business plans and will guide them through each step of the business planning process.

To help DIHs to develop and scale up their services and enhance collaboration with other DIHs.