Avda. de La Innovacion 23
04131 Almeria (Spain)
TECNOVA is an Andalusian Technological Centre of Agricultural Industry. It is constituted as a private non-profit Foundation and integrates 125 private companies, organizations and official institutions belonging to the industry of agriculture. TECNOVA carries out applied research and innovation services, and offers support in the process of the implementation of innovations developed in the agricultural sector. The mission of TECNOVA is the technological development and the promotion of the auxiliary industry and services for agriculture, by means of applied research and innovation support services, training courses and the development of clusters and different activities to promote the adoption of new technologies. Tecnova was constituted in January 2001, as a non-profit foundation to help an emerging industry of supporting activities related to intensive greenhouse agriculture. In march 2007 was qualified as Andalusian Technological Centre and later, in July 2015, obtained the national category by Spanish Ministry of Economy and Competitiveness. Nowadays its consolidated as DIH in the agroindustry of the area and have dedicated research areas specialized in postharvest, biotechnology, vegetable production, industrial development and greenhouse technology.
- Development of applied research and innovation support services related to the production and the commercialization of different agricultural products.
- Organization of training activities, technical conferences and fairs to promote the adoption of new developments and techniques.
- Promotion of relations between the private companies associated to TECNOVA and different actors involved in the science, technology and business system.
- Collaboration and cooperation with national and international organizations, in order to reach common goals with the participation in national and international programmes.
- Promotion and coverage of reports, publications, studies, including prospective ones, in relation to the agricultural sector.
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