Name of the DIH Bulgarian Innovation and Technology Hub
133 “Tsarigradsko shosse” Blvd, BIC Izot, floor 2, office 290, 1784 Sofia, Bulgaria
DigiTech 4.0 was founded in 2017 in Sofia by ICT Cluster Bulgaria as a lead partner, MOVE.BG and Centre of Excellence from Technical University of Sofia. The consortium’s functionality is enhanced by the 22 supporting organizations – research institutions, business support organizations, research and technology organizations, universities, venture capitalists, technology providers and others. The mission of the hub is to drive digital transformation and smart manufacturing of companies focusing on automotive and mechatronics and ICT sectors in Bulgaria.
The DigiTech 4.0 has sectoral specialization – it is focused to digitize automotive, mechatronics and ICT sectors. Between its main technology areas of specialisation are Internet of Things, flexible and wearable electronics, cyber-physical and embedded systems, man/machine interfaces, CPS and robotics for manufacturing.
The founding partners have carried-out different researches and projects assessing the level of digital technology adoption in Bulgaria. They came to the consensus that Bulgaria is significantly lagging behind other EU countries and the situation needs to be improved. The DIH helps Bulgarian companies to become more competitive by improving their production and business processes through digital technologies.
Based upon the companies’ challenges, DigiTech 4.0 provides SMEs the following services: assessment of readiness for digitization, developing and validation of new solutions, introduction in physical cyber security matters, access to funding and investor readiness services, building innovation capacity through enriching human capital.
Additional information
DigiTech4.0 has the necessary facilities for prototyping, process improvement, product development and testing. It includes: HPC Lab, Intelligent Communication Infrastructures Lab, 3D Creativity and New Products Rapid
Prototyping Lab( leading Lab in Additive Manufacturing in Balkan Area), Micro Nano Lab, Centre of excellence (CETUS). The scientific infrastructure will be a platform for designing and prototyping, validation and certification of industrial solutions and components.
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