DIH Aragón
C/ MARÍA DE LUNA 7, 50018 Zaragoza
To do this, it has the Research Bodies (RTOs), competence centers (CC), business organizations, companies and innovative clusters, as well as the business development agencies and the competent authorities necessary to support and shape the Aragón Industry 4.0 Strategy ( AI4.0).
The three founding partners of Aragón DIH are the Technological Institute of Aragón (ITAINNOVA), the Aragonese Institute for Development (IAF) and the University of Zaragoza (UNIZAR).
ahedd acts as a one-stop shop for enterprises looking to enrich their competitive advantage portfolio and for public entities that need to improve their processes and services.
ahedd also offers business support through experimentation facilities for testing new technologies before investing, as well as through training, networking and acceleration services.
Aragón DIH is based on the technological strength, knowledge and relationships of our 2 Competence Centers:
Competence Center in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems (ITAINNOVA):
The Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems Laboratory is a space for experimentation and shared work with companies to develop new data-based software products and services to support business decision-making and improve process efficiency.
For this goal, we use Artificial Intelligence, seeking new approaches based on human reasoning and thinking, allowing massive data processing through Big Data technologies.
The excellence of this Laboratory is accredited for being one of the European centers with proven experience in Big Data (classified as “i-Space”), through the GOLD label awarded by the BDVA, the highest in its classification of excellence in this field of knowledge.
I-Space participates in the creation of the pan-European network of DIHs specialized in Big Data (EUHubs4Data project).
Competence Center in HPC (BIFI)
The Institute of Biocomputation and Physics of Complex Systems (BIFI) of the University of Zaragoza houses the Aragón Supercomputing Center (CESAR), which includes a set of laboratories, infrastructures and advanced services in the areas of High Performance Supercomputing ( High Performance Computing, HPC) and Cloud Computing as well as citizen science and advanced visualization. Likewise, CESAR includes the node in Aragon of the Singular Scientific Technological Installation (ICTS) Spanish Supercomputing Network (RES).
The center houses the Supercomputing Laboratory (LSC), which has a distributed memory supercomputer for high-performance scientific calculation called «Cierzo», and a Cloud service infrastructure under the name of Colossus.
Aragón DIH is a point of information, advice and support at the service of regional companies so that they find the necessary financing to materialize their digital innovation projects. To do this, we are continuously updated on the lines of aid from the Government of Aragon, the Government of Spain and the European Commission for financing digitization. Likewise, we are up to date with the financing lines of public and private credit institutions.
Aragon DIH facilitates the training and education of organizations, companies and entrepreneurs in the technological fields of our activity. Training in any of the Key Technologies is one of the priorities established for DIHs, which is why this type of service is a fundamental pillar of Aragón DIH. Beyond technological training, we offer consulting support actions in different areas of digitization, as well as business development and collaboration opportunities.
Aragon DIH participates in the main European DIH forums and projects in our technological fields.
These are some of the most interesting initiatives in which we are involved:
EUHubs4Data will establish a European Federation of Digital Innovation Hubs (DIH) in Big Data, with the ambition of becoming a reference instrument for cross-border experimentation and innovation driven by the efficient use of data, as well as supporting the growth of European SMEs and new companies in a global environment.
Data-driven economy: Based on the concept of ‘European catalog, local offer’, EUHIBS4DATA will establish a sustainable ecosystem at European level built on local experience and the achievements of European initiatives and national / regional Big Data DIHs, with the triple objective of:
(1) Create a European catalog of data sources and data-driven services and solutions;
(2) Make this offer accessible at the regional level so that European SMEs, start-ups and entrepreneurs have access to the most valuable assets and expertise on the continent;
(3) Encourage cross-border and cross-sector data-driven experimentation, facilitated through data exchange and the interoperability of data and services.
BDVA is the private counterpart of the European Commission’s Big Data Value PPP program to implement the European Strategy on Big Data. BDVA and Big Data Value PPP pursue a common vision: to position Europe as the world leader in the creation of Big Data Value.
BDVA’s mission is to develop the innovation ecosystem that will enable data-driven and artificial intelligence-driven digital transformation in Europe, providing maximum economic and social benefit, and maintaining Europe’s leadership in creating Big Data and artificial intelligence value.
Aragón DIH (through ITAINNOVA) has been an active member of the BDVA for more than 4 years, co-leading several Task Forces and actively participating in many others. We are one of the 10 excellent European DIHs in Big Data, ratified by the i-Space GOLD label.
The DIHNET.EU project enables the coordination of European, national and regional initiatives that directly support digital transformation and Digital Innovation Hubs.
The project aims to create a sustainable pan-European network of networks, with a focus on regional DIHs.
Aragon DIH participates in DIHNET since the project launch, with a proactive involvement in community actions and in various work packages.
The European Commission initiated the establishment of a European Advanced Manufacturing Support Center to help SMEs evaluate the possibility of adopting advanced manufacturing solutions, as well as social innovation strategies, transforming their organizations into next-generation factories, with more competitive and sustainable operation.
Aragón DIH participated in the initial configuration meeting of ADMA, proposing its experience in the analysis of the maturity of Industry4.0 processes, thanks to its participation in the Spanish “Activa” program, through ITAINNOVA.
SmartAgriHubs is a 20M€ European project, bringing together a consortium of more than 164 partners in the European agri-food sector.
The project aims to digitize European agriculture by fostering an ecosystem of agricultural innovation dedicated to excellence, sustainability and success.
Aragón DIH is an active member of the project community, through the Regional Cluster Iberia, and actively participating in the work related to indicators and success stories of DIH, as well as in development and strategy tasks.
ICT Innovation for Manufacturing SMEs (I4MS) is a program promoted by the European Commission to promote digital innovation in manufacturing SMEs in Europe.
As an SME or mid-cap company, you can request technology and financial support to experiment with different technologies and services to enhance the innovation capabilities of your staff and the technologies and services provided by your business units.
Aragón DIH has participated in many experiments of this program, obtaining recognition and awards for our SMEs at European level, as well as the identification as Center of Competence in Artificial Intelligence and Cognitive Systems (ITAINNOVA) and HPC (UNIZAR, through BIFI).
Additional information
Aragon DIH is established by 3 core entities under a signed Consortium Agreement and over 90 adhered members of different nature that include Aragon’s main industrial and innovation systems’ players.
To accomplish its objectives, Aragon DIH is ideated as an inclusive platform formed by entities of different characteristics and nature to provide the hub, on the one hand, with the capabilities to attend and satisfy the needs it is intended for in terms of digitalization and innovation, and on the other, to assure an outreach that covers the widest space possible within Aragon’s productive sectors attending its vocation as an ecosystem orchestrator.
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