Kilometro Rosso

Kilometro Rosso
Via Stezzano, 87 – 24126 Bergamo (BG) – Italy
- Kilometro Rosso is one of the leading European innovation districts, a place where research and business meet. Today, the campus hosts more than 70 Resident Partners – companies, laboratories, and research centers – with its 1,900 employees and researchers.
- Created and developed on the bases of private ownership, Kilometro Rosso is a company acting as technology transfer agent to support large Corporate, SME, startups and research centers in developing innovation programs, new processes and/or products. Working across different technological clusters, including mechatronics and robotics, life sciences, advanced materials, AI and cybersecurity, its core focus is on bridging the gap between scientific research and industrial development. As part of its activity, KMR has set up the Innovation Services team, which supports clients in discovering their technological needs and operates to identify suitable solutions to cope with them. In addition, KMR expertise relies on identifying and leveraging financial instruments that client can exploit to support the development of new products/processes.
- Opened in 2009, Kilometro Rosso and its Resident Partners represents a landmark on the international research and technology transfer scene: 29 laboratories, 31 funded R&D projects for over 127 million Euros, 47 patents filed in 2019, 70,000 delegates from all over the world, 130 annual events that promote technological innovation with over 14,000 participants and more than 500,000 registrations per year.
- Kilometro Rosso has already a wide national and international network, being an active member of the IASP (International Association of Science Parks and Areas of Innovation), APSTI (The Italian Scientific and Technological Parks Network), AIRI (Italian Association for Industrial Research), MADE Competence Center, and Digital Innovation Hub Lombardia.
- Kilometro Rosso is in the Lombardy Region, that is one of the 4 «engines of Europe», among the most industrialized and productive European regions. The Province of Bergamo is the 2nd industrial province in Europe. The area is well-known for the excellence of its manufacturing industry, based on both small and medium-sized enterprises (SMEs) and large companies, strongly rooted in Bergamo. Bergamo is focused on the medium-high technology and sustainability-oriented manufacturing, which distinguishes the innovation-driven companies. 4.5% of Bergamo’s manufacturing industries controls (with more than 50% of shares) establishments overseas: in Lombardy 3.6% of manufacturing companies do so, while the Italian average is 2.5%.
Innovation services:
- Technology transfer
- Knowledge sharing
- Funding Strategy (Public and Private)
- Networking
Additive Manufacturing services:
- Understand how to bring Additive Manufacturing into their companies
- Learn about design techniques.
- Experiment 3D printing for professional applications.
- Design: advisory services for the design and optimization of components made by Additive Manufacturing
- Prototyping: Direct Metal Laser Sintering (DMLS) process for the creation of aluminum and titanium components
- Quality control: tomography analysis during the printing process to evaluate the quality of the components
- Post processing: surface and thermal treatments of printed components
- Test centre for experimentation and generation of new additive manufacturing solutions in metal thanks to the collaboration with several national and international research groups, and the use of an industrial machine for printing metals (EOS M290) with DMLS (Direct Metal Laser Sintering) technology with open and configurable parameters.
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