Archimidous 7, 26504, Patras, Greece
Dr. Sotiris MAKRIS
Aim of Manuhub@WG is to stimulate the cooperation between Western Greece Entrepreneurship Ecosystem and the Local Academic Environment initially in Laser-based Manufacturing and High-Performance Computing, Robotics, IoT, CPS. Manuhub@WG’s mission is to create added value for the services and products of local Manufacturing Companies through Innovative and Digital technologies and research activities performed by the academia in the region.
- Awareness creation
- Ecosystem building, scouting, brokerage, networking
- Collaborative Researchs
- Concept validation and prototyping
- Testing and validation
- Pre-competitive series production
- Commercial infrastructure
- Incubator/accelerator support
- Voice of the customer, product consortia
- Market intelligence
- Education and skills development
Additional information
The hub’s mission is creating added value through collaborative synergies between companies and academia, promoting its members’ technical achievements in digital technology, indicating funding sources, contributing to start-ups establishment and high-level job creation and providing for enhanced economic health to the region.
Considering the economic and business background of Western Greece, the hub also aims to trigger productivity and expand companies’ portfolios and activities not only locally but also internationally.
- Current Events
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events