Łukasiewicz – ImiF
Al.Lotnikow 32/46; 02-668 Warszawa, Poland
Institute of Electron Technology (ITE) is a public, Polish, non-profit research organization, located in Warsaw, Poland, carrying out applied research and close-to-market innovation (TRL 3 to 8) in microelectronics, photonics, sensor and microsystem domain. Unique facilities and competent staff allow the Institute to create the conditions necessary for the implementation of research results. This task is conducted in cooperation with the industry and the scientific community.
ITE collaborate with industrial entities, LE and SME focusing on consulting on development and application of tailored microelectronic, photonic and microsystem solutions (including sensors), allowing for digitization of products and their manufacturing. In most cases the service is combined with a joint preparation of national, international or European projects. ITE, acting as a KET Technology Center and Digital Innovation Hub supports SMEs to go from lab to market to develop and produce new KETs-based products, helping companies reduce the time-to-market for new innovation ideas. FEM-HUB/ITE is envisaged as the important vehicle to facilitate this collaboration making implementation of the KDT technologies more effective.
FEM-HUB ITE clients are usually SMEs. The main activity of FEM-HUB is to promote pro-innovative attitudes and build awareness of business benefits from the implementation of innovations, which stimulates and increases the efficiency of the Polish economy, while ensuring FEM-HUB promotion and customer search. The FEM-HUB service model is flexible, depending on the client’s competence. The model service consists of the following actions:
- initial assessment of the project concept,
- potential analysis (innovation radar, foresight),
- searching for sources of financing,
- support for the implementation of innovation, Test Before Invest
- maintaining innovation.
The FEM-HUB/ITE is distinguished by the simplicity and comprehensiveness of the end-to-end offer, which creates attractiveness for the target segment of entrepreneurs while ensuring the uniqueness of the offer. Our experts have extensive experience in the process of implementing innovations; from developing an idea – by creating a model, prototype, up to small scale production. This is a key factor in the successful implementation of innovation, allowing the company to minimize the risk, helping entrepreneurs save time and resources to increase the scale of both the company and the HUB.
Technology related:
- Development and implementation of R & D & I works (TRLs from II to VIII and IX) in photonics, microelectronics and sensor technology domains
- Photonic, microelectronic and photonic solution for IoT and Industry 4.0 applications
- Integration of electronic devices and systems
- Designing, prototyping, implementation of a specialized components such as ASICs, MEMS and photonic devices
- Compliance tests,
- Test Before Invest, prototyping and pilot production,
Business building related:
- Building interdisciplinary discussion groups to create technological ecosystem,
- Promotional and demonstration activities
- Advisory Services (incl. Analysis of Potential, Building an Implementation Strategy, Provision of Expert and Mentoring Services),
- Searching for sources of financing and choosing partners in the project
- Support in the preparation of applications for funding,
- Building business models of innovative ventures in the photonics, microelectronics and sensor technology domains
Additional information
At present (Autumn 2020) The ITE institute undergo a considerable transformation (merging with another RTO entity). It is expected as a result, that range of the expertise and services will be considerably broadened and thus, above information has to be considered as, to some extent, provisional.
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