MADE – Competence Center i4.0
MADE S.c.a r.l. – P.za Leonardo Da Vinci, 32 – 20133 Milano
Sede operativa Via Durando, 10 – Edificio B8 – 20158 Milano
MADE is one of the 8 italian Competence Centers, officially acknowledged as Digital Innovation Hub by European Union. The MADE vision is to lead companies digital and sustainable transformation. On one hand, MADE provides a set of knowledge, methods, technical and managerial skills on digital technologies to support companies in their digital transformation towards Industry 4.0. On the other hand, thanks to the large demo-center of over 2000 m^2, it provides an I4.0 – based pilot production facility for pioneering test, demonstration and development project realization.
MADE mission is to lead companies digital and sustainable transformation, leading a complete industry migration towards digital transformation developed by the following phases: informing and showing Industry 4.0 technologies, explaining them by specific training activities, and then transferring and implementing technological solutions through projects (Test Before Invest). MADE is therefore proposed as a technical interlocutor to which companies can turn not only to manage activities of innovation, technology transfer, applied research and assistance during the implementation of 4.0 technologies, but also to receive a suitable support to reconsider their organizational and business models, suggesting strategic aspects to maintain their high competitive level.
MADE is a public-private consortium attracting investments for more than 22M EUR in 2019-2021 horizon. It is composed of more than 47 partners clustered in: 4 Universities, 2 research facilities, 42 Manufacturing Companies including software technology providers and one public entity.
MADE is a consortium of selected, experienced partners with a consolidated experience in linking engineering and business aspects to industrial process optimization and their re-interpretation on digital aspect. In particular, MADE shareholders are the most important actors of digital manufacturing implementation and the associated concept of Industry 4.0. In detail, on one hand, the know-how is based on the definition of business and operational and technical requirements for advanced digital technologies adoption including identification of key performance indicators, migration strategies
- TEST BEFORE INVEST (Information and awareness raising, Digital maturity assessment, Access to technological infrastructure, Idea generation and management, R&I project development (PoC, TestBed, prototyping) Product demonstration and qualification)
- SKILLS AND TRAINING (Training course, Teaching Factory, Train the trainer)
- ACCESS TO R&I FUNDS (e.g. grant screening, feasibility study, creation of consortia)
- ECOSYSTEM (Tech scouting, trend watching, Technology matchmaking, R&I stakeholder ecosystem management and engagement)
Additional information
MADE Competence Center will take advantage of DIH World community enhancing best practice Exchange with a focus on harmonised tools, digital technologies, innovative methodologies for digital maturity assessment and capacity building to consolidate its business model. It will improve its capacity to answer to companies needs and expand its service portfolio.
In particular RAINBOT will generate impacto on MADE capacity to increase
- CROSS BORDER COOPERATION. Access DIH World community it’s a unique opportunity for MADE to expand the network of Learning Factory in different EU countries, enhancing exchange best practice to improve existing services and businss model
- INDUSTRIAL R&I PROJECT. Develop new interregional industrial R&I projects in cooperation with DIH World ecosystem (DIH, SME, University, Business association) in the framework of 2021-2027 EU R&I funding (e.g. Horizon Europe Cluster 4, Digital Europe, Interreg);
- BUSINESS MODEL. Improve its business model focusing on financial sustainability mechanisms, management of cross border DIHs ecosystem, measurement of intangible impact of DIHs activities on client.
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