33012 Horní Bříza, Czech Republic
Plan4all is a DIH for cooperation and experimentation with specific focus is on geospatial or location based open data and their utilisation in different domains including spatial/urban planning, rural development, transport, environment, tourism and precision/autonomous farming.
Plan4all is an umbrella organisation of 60 partners from 22 countries including public bodies, universities, research organisations and business partners. Plan4all is a proud member of the Global Open Data for Agriculture and Nutrition (GODAN) initiative, Open Geospatial Consortium (OGC), Big Data Value Association (BDVA) and Research Data Alliance (RDA). Plan4all association became one of the 133 Participating Organizations of the Group on Earth Observation (GEO).
The key services of the Plan4all DIH include:
- Experimentation space on cloud including storage space
- Service of cloud operator and possibility to install additional tools
- Tools for development of new geospatial applications
- Open geodata provision
- Knowledge transfer
Additional information
Plan4all is a DIH for cooperation and experimentation with specific focus is on geospatial or location based open data and their utilisation in different domains including spatial/urban planning, rural development, transport, environment, tourism and precision/autonomous farming.
Plan4all DIH is the main organiser of the INSPIRE Hackathons organised globaly severaltimes a year. The INSPIRE Hackathon is a collaborative event for developers, researchers, designers and others interested in open data, volunteered geographic information and citizen observatories. The main driving force for the INSPIRE Hackathon is provided by experts from existing EU projects, and its primary objective is to share knowledge and experience between the participants and demonstrate to wider audiences the power of data and information supported by modern technologies and common standards, originating from INSPIRE, Copernicus, GEOSS and other initiatives.
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