Smart Industry Centre
UNINOVA – Campus da FCT, 2829-517, Caparica
José Ferreira
+351 21 294 8527
The inNOVA4TECH hub has been created and is led by UNINOVA. The main objective of UNINOVA is to pursue excellence in scientific research, technical development, advanced training, and education. Through the inNOVA4TECH hub, by working closely with industry and universities, UNINOVA bridges the gap and transfer technological innovations into profitable business concepts and, existing products further developed to match new industrial requirements. Therefore, inNOVA4TECH hub covers the whole value chain.
inNOVA4TECH hub makes use of the unique opportunities that exist in the interaction between science, sector-oriented research, and engineering activities, through collaborations on joint research and innovation projects. The inNOVA4TECH focuses on developing research-based technologies and solutions to address the societal challenges, and actively invite industrial partners and the business sector (both locally, regionally, nationally and internationally) to assure impact of the research projects in the value chain and society. The hub supports the industrial and public sectors in integrating digital technologies and acquiring digital skills to accelerate the digital transformation in Portugal and Europe.
In addition, inNOVA4TECH hub is a key member of the DIH4CPS project network of DIHs (DIH4CPS: Fostering DIHs for Embedding Interoperability in Cyber-Physical Systems of European SMEs), coordinated by UNINOVA. Within the project, inNOVA4TECH establishes strong linkages and collaboration with other European DIHs to enlarge inNOVA4TECH services. inNOVA4TECH is the interface between SMEs and the DIH4CPS network of DIHs, being able to scout for new technology and innovation services, helping to ensure that every company in the Lisbon region, small or large, high-tech or not, can take advantage of digital opportunities. The support provided through the project contributes to help companies to become more competitive with regard to their business and production processes, products or services using digital technologies, thus providing access to technical expertise and experimentation, inNOVA4TECH facilities and network labs.
inNOVA4TECH’s excellence is reflected through the following drivers as:
- by participation in European & National projects;
- by collaboration with the industry and policy makers;
- by the promotion of activities close to the society.
The motto of inNOVA4TECH hub is to foster the development of technologies with the objective of catapulting the knowledge valorisation both at economic and social level.
Test before invest
- Strategic Support to research development and innovation (RDI)
- Contract research
- Technical Support and scale up
- Collaborative research
- Concept validation and prototyping
- Testing and validation (software and hardware)
- Digital maturity assessment
- Provision of infrastructure
Support to find investment
- Strategic and business development
- Support facilities and Accelerator Support
- Funding lifecycle management support
Innovation ecosystem and networking
- Ecosystem scouting engagement and management
- Market intelligence
- Ecosystem coordination for projects
Skills and training
- Training
- Mentoring
- Education and skills development
- Talent and skills matchmaking
- Current Events
- Upcoming Events
- Past Events