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Digital Innovation Hub a supporto delle PMI: esempi di successo e nuove opportunità
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We will present the results of the PROMAS project which aims to optimize the #logistics of maintenance equipment, using Process Mining and Artificial Intelligence techniques. Moreover our framework for Digital Twin projects and how SMACT can help companies pursue them.
Thanks to our webinar you will be able to learn about case studies and new opportunities. We will have guests speaking about their experience: EURADA, COMONEXT and TRECCANI Engineering.
Target audience
SMEs that want to know more about possibilities regarding Industry 4.0, digital transformation and SMACT services.
- SMACT Competence Center; SMACT
- Il bando DIH-WORLD: digitalizzazione a supporto delle PMI; Eurada
- Il caso di successo: Treccani Engineering; Treccani Engineering
- Il progetto PROMAS: Process Mining e AI al servizio dell’efficienza logistica; Treccani Engineering
- Il progetto PROOFER: intelligenza artificiale e machine learning per il controllo qualità nel settore del calzaturiero; Comonext
- Implementare un Digital Twin: Osserva, Impara, Fai; SMACT
Pierpaolo Conte,