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DIGITAL TWINS – what, how, why?

DIGITAL TWINS – what, how, why?

871 871 people viewed this event.

DIH PISMO is focused on digitization and modernization of Sisak Moslavina County through gaming industry and providing various digital technology services. In the scope of the DIH World project, SIMORA and its DIH PISMO will organise Community Days event with a main goal of presenting a term of “digital twins”, its meaning, as well as opportunities and possibilities for various types of users and industries. Emphasize will be put on practical usage of digital twins and real-life examples.

Target audience

Small and medium companies & entrepreneurs from various industries, start-ups, business incubators on regional/national level, local/national development agencies, high-education institutions on regional/national level, other (E)DIHs in Croatia.



• Andreja Šeperac (Regional coordinator of Sisak Moslavina County)
• Filip Belošević (Regional Development Agency SIMORA)
• Drago Cmuk (Algebra Business School & Mazars in Croatia)
• Damir Medved (EDIH Adria)
• Krešimir Kušić (Faculty of Transport and Traffic Sciences, University of Zagreb)
• Fausto Ferreira (Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb)
• Dominik Cvetkovski (Croatian Association of Video Game Developers – HU-IZ-VI)
• Lavinia Chiara Tagliabue (University of Turin, Italy)
• Andrea Manzi (EGI Foundation, Netherlands) Contact


Filip Belošević,

Event registration closed.

Date And Time

2023-04-19 @ 10:00 to
2023-04-19 @ 12:30

Registration End Date



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