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Green & Digital transition for SMEs webinar

879 879 people viewed this event.

Innovation, digitalisation and sustainability are high on the agenda of many companies. It is often even a necessity to survive. For SMEs, however, the shift to a more green and digital company is far from easy. Companies often find it a challenge to determine how to start and manage their transition and in which concrete applications and technologies they should invest with a view to a good return.

Flanders Make and Armengaud Innovate therefore organise a webinar in which an holistic perspective is combined with 2 concrete cases where SME company managers explain how they have managed the green and digital transition in their company and what positive effect this has on their company results.

Discover in this webinar which actions are the most logical and feasible for your company. What is the ‘low hanging fruit’ with which your company can take the first or further steps towards more green and digital manufacturing. Also you will learn where to find support.


Key note speaker

Chris Decubber (EFFRA)

Company testimonial 1

(To be confirmed)

Company testimonial 2

Roland Sommer (CEO of platform Industrie 4.0 AT)

Where to find support

Date And Time

2022-05-05 to



Event Category

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