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LTCC technology in Łukasiewicz-IMiF and its selected applications in the field of microelectronics

694 694 people viewed this event.

Łukasiewicz-IMIF integrates activities towards spreading access to innovative microelectronic and photonic solutions in the form of a DIH offering SME’s technological and system design potential and services as well as advanced characterization techniques, allowing implementation of digital innovation to their products, processes and business models. During this event we will focus on LTCC (Low Temperature Co-fired Ceramics) technology available in Łukasiewicz-IMiF and its selected applications in the field of microelectronics and nanoelectronics.

10:00 Wprowadzenie

Sławomir Gadomski

10:05 Dlaczego w Polsce należy rozmawiać o mikroelektronice?

Grzegorz Janczyk

10:20 Czym jest Centrum Innowacji Cyfrowych oraz projekt europejski DIH-World?

Tomasz Bieniek

10:35 Technologia LTCC w Łukasiewicz-IMiF i jej wybrane zastosowania w obszarze mikroelektroniki

Beata Synkiewicz-Musialska, Krzysztof Zaraska

11:20 Q&A

Date And Time

2022-05-10 @ 10:00 to
2022-05-10 @ 12:00


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