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1st Apulian DIH World Community day of MEDISDIH

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MEDISDIH event wants to reach local SMEs and public administrations (PA) to give them a tangible idea of how DIHs services supporting digitization of their organizational structure can be crucial on their business functions whatever their size and markets. MEDISDIH will here involve its whole ecosystem comprising its public and private members (enterprises and research centres) as well as its associates: Regional Technological Clusters, Competence Centres and PA.

10:00 Opening – Digitizing Organizational Structure of Apulian SMEs and PA
(Moderator: Dr Annamaria Monterisi – ARTI Agenzia Regionale per la Tecnologia e l’Innovazione della Regione Puglia)
10:15 Introduction Video
DIH World Project and Community days

Speaker: Dr David Brunelleschi – PWC
10:30 Keynote – The Automotive sector as I4.0 organization model precursor: lesson learned and inspirations

Speaker:Mario Ricco, MEDISDIH Director, former FIAT manager
11:00 The Apulian Digital Innovation Hub – MEDISDIH
– Overview of Services offered by MEDISDIH (Prof. Michele Ruta – Polytechnic of Bari)
– Innovation ecosystem projects: The C-LAB Project example (Dr Roberta Memeo, Grifo multimedia S.r.l.)
11:30 The Regional example – How MEDISDIH supported MASMEC SpA in integrating digitization in its products as well as operating its core business diversification
Speaker: Eng. Piero Larizza, R&D Manager MASMEC SpA
11:50 The international example
12:10 Closing statements and Conclusions (MEDISDIH)
12:30 Q&A

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