DIH-World at the I4MS final event

On October 19, the DIH-World project will take part in the final event of the I4MS initiative in Budapest, Hungary.
Under the title “European leadership and digital game-changers of the manufacturing industry”, the conference will allow the manufacturing ecosystem to come together to share their success stories and key takeaways from the I4MS initiative.
The event will revolve around networking and showcasing opportunities for European Digital Innovation Hubs (EDIHs), European projects, SMEs, technology providers and other stakeholders of Industry 4.0 driving innovation and technology adoption across the EU. As part of the I4MS initiative, with the aim to accelerate the uptake of advanced digital technologies by manufacturing SMEs and to strengthen the capacities of regional DIHs, the event cannot be without the DIH-World.
The programme will include representatives of the European Commission as well as experts working on the digital transformation of the manufacturing sector. For instance, from the Dih-World, its project manager David Vidal will take part in a panel on “Upcoming funding and collaboration opportunities for EDIHs and SMEs” and “I4MS contributions to the manufacturing industry and the network of EDIHs”. The event will also be attended by Silvia de la Maza, Chief Information Officer of the Innovalia Group, whose innovation consulting company CARSA is a partner of the project.
Furthermore, there will be an Exhibition Arena where DIH-World will be able to promote the project and its services.
You can know more about the event here