Apply for our Open Call!

DIH-World has launched the first Open Call to select and support up to 35 SME-driven experiments and it will be on going until 15th July. The DIH-World open calls are designed to support digitalisation experiments involving DIHs and SMEs from the manufacturing sector. Innovative experiments will receive up to EUR 95.000,00 to support the integration of digital technologies in the processes, products or services of an SME.
The innovative experiments are open to any of the following technologies, as far as they contribute to boost the digitalisation level of the participating SMEs:
Smart modelling; Robotics; Internet of Things; Cyber Physical Systems; 3D Printing; Data analytics; Artificial Intelligence; Cloud technologies; High Performance Computing; Laser technologies; Cognitive Autonomous Systems; Human-robot interaction; Cybersecurity; Sensors.
The DIH-World open calls target consortia of one SME from any Member State or Horizon 2020 Associated country together with one Digital Innovation Hub (DIHs).
You can find more information here.