by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | External Event
Events PODIM 2021 Podim is a nonprofit platform founded in 1980 to change attitudes towards innovation. Based in Slovenia, Podim has evolved into the most influential startup & tech event in the CEE region, where innovation meets business opportunities and capital, as...
by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | Uncategorized
Events Austrian & Slovenian HPC konference INFORMATION Date of the event: 27-30/06/2021 Place: Bled – Slovenia Participating...
by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | External Event
Events Bled e-Conference Bled eConference has been shaping electronic interactions since 1988. Small supportive community offers the opportunity to benefit from expertise of esteemed researchers. It attracts speakers and delegates from business, government,...
by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | External Event
Events OTS 2021 OTS Professional Conference has been fulfilling its mission for twenty-five years and provides a platform for the exchange of practical experience and knowledge on the successful implementation and innovative use of modern technologies and approaches...
by admin | Sep 10, 2020 | External Event
Events Digitization and digital maturity assesment This workshop will be part of Testbed Open Day. Digitization and Industry 4.0 have become frequently used terms and while for someone they are an everyday reality, for others they are still just a label without a...