Creative industries mapping workshop

Creative industries mapping workshop

Events Creative industries mapping workshop Mapping of creative and cultural industries in SMC; the goal is to get an insight into the current state of KKI in SMŽ (for the purpose of drafting the document Analysis of KKI mapping in SMŽ) February 11, 2021  Information...
Creative industries mapping workshop

Flanders Make Scientific Conference

Events Flanders Make Scientific Conference Presentation and discussion regarding different technical items February 04, 2021 | whole day   DIH            Flanders Make...
Creative industries mapping workshop

Introducing the DIH World Project to the community

Events Introducing the DIH World Project to the community DIH-World aims to streamline and expand the panorama of DIHs across Europe, addressing the “digital innovation hub divide”. Another of its objectives is to accelerate the adoption of advanced...


Evento2 Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Fusce laoreet sapien cursus porta luctus. Quisque ac ornare urna, vitae pretium risus. Phasellus mauris mauris, pellentesque sed dapibus id, fringilla at lacus. Donec at lectus congue, elementum erat at,...