CIDIHub: connection between technology providers with entrepreneurs, the path of digital transformation and Industry 4.0

Since launched in 2017, CIDIHub has been looking forward to become the cornerstone of Artificial Intelligence, Cybersecurity and HPS technologies in the Canary Islands, promoting as well Internet of Things (IoT), Digital Art & Design, Modeling and Simulation, and Digital Manufacuring among others. Managing Director, Jorge Galvan Falcon stands by a “strong visibility and fully operational DIH in the European context” since belonging to networks such as I4MS, DIH-World or IslanDIHs. Also, the company is participating in European projects with the purpose of facilitating the uptake of digital technologies by regional SMEs.
For that purpose, CIDIHub has built up an ambitious structure and operating model conformed by a wide representation of the main regional actors within the regional innovation and digitalization ecosystem, emphasizing on some key actors of the islands such as digital manufacturing and Industry 4.0, ICT and Audio-visual Creative Industries, tourism or blue economy. In this context, support is translated into a portfolio of services related to access to digital technologies, assistance, shared research, testing, validation, training, community building and others. According to Galvan Falcon, the collaboration with DIHs points to an evident success where SMEs would benefit from receiving specialized support in every stage of the call (preparation, implementation and management of the experiment), not to mention easier access to technology providers of the region. Also and by working with a DIHs, “SMEs can access more easily the potential target sector where they can test and validate their solutions”, says the Managing Director.