Get to know DIH-World Steering Committee members
DIH-World has set up its Steering Committee to support DIHs cross-project collaboration. A collaborative relationship between DIH-World project and organisations involved in European initiatives involving DIHs is established to identify and exploit synergies and avoid duplication of activities. The activities of the committee strengthen connectivity, exploit synergies and enhance impact of the actions.
The Steering Committee members are:

Meike Reimann
Senior Project Manager at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum
Meike Reimann is a senior project manager at Steinbeis Europa Zentrum in Karlsruhe, Germany, responsible for European projects in the area of digitization and Industry4.0. Currently she coordinates the Smart4Europe2 CSA, supporting the Smart Anything Everywhere Initiative and is active in DigiFed (SAE) and AI REGIO (I4MS). Meike has been deeply involved in the Digitizing European Industry Initiative and the Digital Innovations Hubs Ecosystem for over 7 years. She has a long-term experience in technology foresight and roadmapping as well as giving innovation support to start-ups and SMEs.

Cecilia Warrol
Director of Manufacturing and advanced production, Teknikforetagen and Director Produktion2030
Cecilia Warrol is a Senior expert in manufacturing and industrial R&D at the Swedish Association of Engineering industries. She is active in national and European research and innovation programs. She is Programme Director of the Swedish Innovation Programme Produktion2030, as well as the Chairman of EIT Manufacturing. Cecilia is passionate about manufacturing and very proud to be part of actions that drive innovation and strengthens competitiveness across industry, research and the public sector.

Prof. Dr. Dimitris Kiritsis (Kyritsis)
Director, Doctoral Program of Robotics Control and Intelligent Systems, EPFL
Prof. Dr. Dimitris Kiritsis (Kyritsis) is leading the ICT for Sustainable Manufacturing group at the Institute of Mechanical Engineering of EPFL, Switzerland. His research interests are Closed Loop PLM, Sustainable Manufacturing, IIoT, Industrial Ontologies and Industrial Data Analytics. Dimitris serves as Director of the Doctoral Program on Robotics, Control and Intelligent Systems of EPFL. He has more than 220 publications. From 2013 to 2019 Dimitris was the Chair of IFIP WG5.7-Advances in Production Management Systems. He is founding member of the International Society for Engineering Asset Management and co-founder of the Industrial Ontologies Foundry. Since 2019 Dimitris is member of the WEF Global Future Council on Advanced Manufacturing and Value Chains.

Bertille Auvray
European Project Manager at Pôle TES
Bertille Auvray works as a European project manager at Pôle TES, a cluster based in Normandy which specialises in collaborative innovation through the use of digital technologies. She is currently working on IMPULSE, a project funded under the Horizon 2020 programme, which explores the use of artificial intelligence and blockchain to improve online identification processes in public services. For the purpose of this project, she is currently setting up a community of DIHs which will be contributing to co-creative design, pilot testing and all related activities. Apart from IMPULSE, Bertille is also involved in the activities of DIHNAMO, the Norman EDIH specialised in connected, safe and sustainable mobility.