Introduction of our digital innovation shared infrastructure to public, introduction of services provided by our DIH to manufacturing companies, expert lectures on digital transformation, digital audit, energy sustainability and additive manufacturing.
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Morning session:
Prof. Vladimír Mařík, Scientific Director of CIIRC CTU in Prague
Jaroslav Lískovec, director of NCP4.0
Jiří Kabelka, Chairman of the Board of NCP4.0
DigiAudit – NCP4.0 service for small and medium-sized businesses that want to start digitizing
Support of technological transformation of companies – Česká spořitelna
Digital Transformation Services – Deloitte
Introduction of testbed infrastructure for Industry 4.0 in Prague, Brno and Ostrava for technology transfer and their services for companies
Campus 5G networks in the testbed of Industry 4.0 and their possibilities for industrial use – T-mobile
Škoda Auto and Pocket Virtuality project, use of 5G networks in practice
Industrial Technology and Digital Factory – Siemens